Move Beyond Fear- Arm Balance Workshop 2021 at YONO Yoga & Meditation

Most Arm Balances place the legs on the arms, shoulders and/or triceps. There are also arm
balances where the entire body is inverted (suspended above the head) and all the weight is
balanced on the arms or hands. They look advanced and sometimes intimidating from the
outside. But when you leave your ego off the mat and approach Arm Balances with humility,
they can become a magical and playful experience. We will breakdown and explain the
important aspects of these Foundational postures as they pertain to the Arm Balances we cover.
You will also learn drills to strengthen the areas of the body needed for these postures.

5 Benefits of Arm Balances
● Tone & Lift the Whole Body
● Strengthen the Body to Protect the Shoulder Joints
● Balance the Body, Mind and Soul
● Boost Prana Flow
● Encourage Positive Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Confidence

Whether you decide to add Arm Balances to your yoga practice gradually, or dive in with this
twisting arm balance yoga flow, you will love the benefits you find. Not only will your arm and
shoulder strength dramatically improve, but you’ll notice a new sense of mental lightness and
joy infused in your practice.

Move Past Fear, Build Better Balance, and Strengthen Your Body!

Grab your ticket HERE!

Insightful Tarot, Guided Meditation and Journaling Workshop 2021 - Online

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, and stable state.

We will combine insightful Tarot into our Guided Meditation then finish with journaling prompts to find wisdom. Find a comfortable place to open your mind and a piece of paper with a pen. Let's explore the benefits of these mindful practices. Whether it be learning something new about yourself or a way to let go of the past, we shall go deeper!

What to Expect:

  • Pulling a card as a theme for Breathwork

  • Guided Meditation with the card's theme

  • Mindful Mantras

  • Journal Prompts

  • Q&A


Grab your ticket HERE!